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Host an event to support victims in your community

Event Ideas

School Fundraisers

A school fundraiser is a great way to spread awareness and raise funds for those in need. 

Garage Sales

Street or neighbourhood garage sales are a fun and easy way to raise money for  Victim Services of Peel.

Company Fundraisers

Host a department or company-wide fundraiser to raise awareness and funds for  Victim Services of Peel. 

Even small donations can make a huge impact on the lives of those suffering in your community. 

Your donation can make a big difference...


pays for plush toys for children who need comfort after the homicide of a parent.


covers the cost of a crisis team to provide on-scene crisis services to victims.

provides a full meal to a parent and their children who have escaped violence in their home with only the clothes on their backs.



provides emergency shelter for a family whose apartment complex was evacuated due to gas leak.

covers the transportation cost of a family friend travelling to Peel to care for the children after their parent was in a disabling car accident.



provides ring doorbells for three victims of home invasions.

Questions? Looking for other ways to donate? Reach out!

Administration: 905.568.8800     //     Email:


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